Your donation allows us to produce unique concerts with inspiring and diverse repertoire from all genres of music. Gifts of all sizes are welcome and put to good use. Here are some of the ways that your contribution contributes to creating beautiful music:
Operating Costs: We are a small nonprofit group, and we have all the normal overhead that comes with the running of successful organizations. Ticket sales and member dues make up a portion of our income, while donations from people like you make up the rest!
Underwriting the Cost of Musicians: Our concerts are often enhanced with the addition of professional soloists and instrumentalists. Your donation can fully underwrite the cost of one or more of these talented musicians.
Sponsor a Singer: Singers pay monthly membership dues to help underwrite the cost of the salaries of the Zia Singers’ paid staff. When a potential singer is unable to afford dues, the chorus offers scholarships to those who need help covering the cost of membership. You can help a potential singer join the chorus by sponsoring a singer in need. Imagine how good you would feel knowing you’ve helped someone make music an integral part of their lives, and the Zia Singers audiences will hear the result!
The Zia Singers is a 501(c)3 non-profit and has a Bronze Seal of Transparency with Candid/Guidestar, the leading database for information about and for non-profits. To get more information about sponsoring a singer or underwriting the cost of a musician, please send us a note to [email protected]!